My oldest daughter recently informed me that my blog doesn't even know what's happening in my life. Guess I should fix that.
Here's what's been happening:
January - The kids reacquainted themselves with the joys of snow. Sadly, we had just moved back north and didn't get sleds. No problem. They used moving boxes. We had plenty of those.
February - We found out we're expecting a baby. Yes, #6 is on the way, due to arrive sometime in September. Yes, we're excited. And yes, we planned it. Kate's hubby returned home from Iraq. They get to FINALLY start married life together.
March - Kate and John came for a visit. Took most of our furniture back with them.
April - Celebrated my 3?th birthday. Celebrated Tom's 4?th birthday. Celebrated Emma's 1st birthday (she's still allowed to say how old she is.) Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling very well that day.
May - So far, so good. We're enjoying the beautiful flowers growing in our gardens.
So now I think we're up to date.